Pros and Cons of Social Media

Whenever there’s a significant technological advance that fundamentally changes the way people live, it generates debate over the nature of that change and whether it’s “good” or “bad.” Internet-based, social media tools like email, Facebook, and YouTube that have revolutionised the way human beings get information and communicate and interact with one another. In the relatively short time, they’ve been in existence, social media has had some very positive effects in terms of empowering and connecting people. At the same time, they have provided new platforms for some decidedly unhealthy and destructive behaviors.

Some of the leading arguments for this technology–the pros and cons of social media–are outlined below. There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence to support either assessment; however, research into the effects of social media is still in its infancy, so scientific data are relatively scarce. What is clear is that the internet, social media sites, and the digital devices on which they operate are here to stay. Therefore, it is incumbent on each of us to understand, and help others to understand, how to use them productively and responsibly.

Pros of Social Media

One of the biggest pros of social media is that it nurtures and expands relationships. Improving communication and strengthening human connection is the reason social media emerged. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, chat groups, LinkedIn, and countless other social networking sites help people build on existing relationships, make new friends, and reinvigorate relationships that have lapsed over time. Regardless of where a person lives, it’s possible to find others who share the same interests and concerns.

Social media has exponentially increased the resources for mental health information and support. Research shows that people who get support from peers (those struggling with the same problems) have better health outcomes, whether they have a physical condition like diabetes or a psychological one like depression. Internet support groups, discussion boards, blogs, and other social media platforms have significantly enhanced the resources for individuals wrestling with mental health, behavioral, and/or addiction issues. Online support offers certain advantages that make it attractive to individuals who might not otherwise seek help, for example:

  1. Anonymity. Many people find it easier to share problems and feelings openly when there’s minimal risk of identification or “real-life” consequences.

  2. 24/7 availability. The internet never sleeps, and with the prevalence of cell phones, you don’t even need to be home at your computer to access the resources you need. In the event of a crisis, this can truly be life-saving; web-based support communities have been credited with saving people from suicide and accidental drug overdoses.

  3. No geographic limitations.Location can be an obstacle to participating in traditional support groups that require physical attendance. Online groups pull members from all over and can host larger numbers of people, adding to the pool of knowledge and experience.

The internet and social media boost productivity. These tools offer more information— including real-time news—than a library full of encyclopedias, and the information’s accessible at any time of day or night. Studies have linked internet/social media use with greater success in academics as well as improved job performance and employment prospects. Social media gives small business owners the power to be more competitive with larger companies. By simply creating and maintaining a Facebook account they can reach a wider audience, perform better customer service, share press releases and other company news, connect with job seekers, and more.

Cons of Social Media

The very same attributes that make social media a positive force in our lives make it potentially dangerous. For example, anonymity allows for cyberbullying. This is especially problematic for teens, as bullies can target and prey on vulnerable high school peers without taking personal responsibility. Stalking can also be an issue, as social media users sometimes post their whereabouts, and their habits can be easily monitored.

Just as it can bring people together for constructive reasons, social media can connect dissatisfied, disgruntled, and misguided people together, further fueling negative attitudes and beliefs, or even making things like coordinated terrorist attacks more possible.

Teens and young adults are considered particularly at risk to negative effects. They’re a generation raised on the internet, social media, and digital technology so these things are integral, indispensable parts of their lives. Young people also are impressionable, eager for acceptance, and relatively inexperienced, which can cloud judgment. Most adults today remember what life was like before the internet, social media, and mobile devices so it’s easier to step away from them. But it has still proved problematic, especially for adults who are prone to addictive behavior or have pre-existing mental health issues.

Featured Image Courtesy-Freepik
