Use iOM BI to get historical, current and predictive views of business operations for strategic planning and informed decision-making.

According to AMI-Partners (Actionable Market Intelligence), SMEs in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to continue boosting their focus on scalable public cloud applications with investments close to $1.5 b in Software-as-a-service (Saas) solutions. iOM BI which can run as a cloud-based application is looking to address this growth market.

An on-demand business analytics system such as iOM BI offers SMEs both flexibility and scalability as they grow their business.

Users can easily set up their own reports for analysis without requiring technical assistance. As a web-based application, iOM BI can also be accessed via hand-held devices such as tablets and smartphones.

These functions provide a single source (Data Cube) to analyse an enterprise’s information from multiple databases (such as MS SQL, IBM DB2 and Oracle) through data mining, warehousing, and extraction using iOM BI. The resulting single source offers not only historical but also current views of operations, based on scheduled updates of the Data Cube.